
No title

ID: 46NjVC8

#id:46NjVC8 #model:7234b76e42

t2i All ages AI Generated Work Automatic Entry

nsfw, panty shot,(detailed face:1.0), (beautiful eyes:1.0), (photorealistic:1.4), (Extremely detailed), shaded face, depth of field, wear a (short dress:1.3) and (thong_panties:1.5), , a photograph kneeling 1woman, 25 years old, milf, (bangs:1.2), light brown twintails hair, orgasm, faint lips, cowboy shot, (female masturbation:1.5), <lora:peeing trembling:1.1>, trembling, close to viewer, (Extremely detailed), (arms between legs:1.2), (peeing, pee:1.75), (POV, from below:1.2), (perfect anatomy, best quality, highres, realistic, 16k:1.2), ultra high res, (NaturalHand2-3500:0.5), hyperrealistic, caustics, Core shadow, (Extremely detailed), dynamic light, <lora:hipoly3DModelLora:0.1>, (hiqcgbody:1.1), (highly detailed pupil:1.2), outdoors, (in the street, On the road:1.2), buildingin the background, shop, her peaceful expression and gentle breathing create a calming atmosphere , (NaturalHand2-3500:0.5), (photorealistic:1.4), ZEISS lens, F1.4, 1/800s, ISO 100, perfect anatomy, instagram, (ulzzang-6500:0.5)

(muscle:1.1), (denim:1.2), (aleora:1.2), (balls, sex toy, poop, penis:2), paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, (monochrome), (grayscale), makeup, (DreamArtistBADHAND, NG_DeepNegative,bad_prompt:0.8),

Model name
Model hash 7234b76e42
Image size 512x672
SamplerDPM++ SDE Karras
CFG scale7
Mask blur4
Denoising strength0.75

Computer Vision | Microsoft Azure
categories people_ (0.44)
people_portrait (0.55)
captions a woman with a red shirt (0.32)
tags person (1.00)
human face (0.99)
clothing (0.98)
neck (0.96)
lip (0.94)
hairstyle (0.94)
eyelash (0.93)
bangs (0.93)
black hair (0.93)
portrait photography (0.92)
eyebrow (0.92)
throat (0.91)
skin (0.91)
girl (0.90)
hair coloring (0.88)
long hair (0.88)
chin (0.87)
brown hair (0.85)
woman (0.75)
hair (0.66)
young (0.64)
red (0.57)
outdoor (0.56)
wearing (0.53)
accentColor C8032E
dominantColorBackground White
dominantColorForeground White
isAdultContent No (0.009)
isRacyContent No (0.010)
isGoreContent No (0.002)
2023-05-11 07:55:20